jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

CU9.- Monologue

CU9.- Monologue

Hi !! My name is Marco Anonio Pérez Morales, I am 20 yeras old, I study in the Law School, I'm in 3rd Semester, this university is located in Avenue Fanny Anitúa, Ilove my career because I will defend people in difficult times.
My adress is street 27 neighborhood Bosques del Valle, my phone number it's 8-14-71-63 and my Cell Phone it's 618-1-52-99-93, Ilike music especially hip-hop, I'm break dance dancer, I'm in a Modeling Agency and the band too.

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

CU9.- Professional English

Hello !!! My name is Marco Antonio Pérez Morales, I study in the law school, this university is located in avenue Fanny Anitua, my favorite subject is DERECHO PENAL because I will have the opportunity to defend at the people, the kind of vocabulary related with criminal, will be very important in my personal life because I pretendo choose that specialty.

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2010

CU 7.- Shoe Club Premiere

" Shoe Club Premiere not have to walk among the clouds, the clouds Premier
Club Shoes are on your feet". ("No es necesario caminar entre las nubes, con zapatos Club Premiere las nubes estan en tus pies" Der. Res.)
Is located in avenue Francisco Villa between the streets Los Villistas and Zapatistas.
I recommend this Shoes Store because it has the best shoes and the quality leather

lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

CU6- Dialogue Minkinkin & Marco

Dialogue Marco and Marco

Marco A: hi!!
Marco P: hello!!
Marco A: how are you?
Marco P: I’ m fine thanks, and you?
Marco A: fine thanks
Marco A: what do you usually do on weekend?
Marco P: I will practice to rondalla
Marco A: ¡¡oooh!! very well, I like serenatas
Marco P: that’s fine, and what do you usually do on weekend?
Marco A: I will play with my son to the park a Saturday
Marco P: and Friday’s night?
Marco A: I will to a bar with my friends to drink some beer
Marco P: why not invite me?
Marco A: I’ m sorry my cell phone don’t work
Marco P: that’s OK, no problem
Marco A: see you later brother, because I’m going to work
Marco P: see you soon take care

CU6- Dialogue Minkinkin & Marco

viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

SAC.- Talk More

* This Program is very util to learn Speak and Listen with their options of learning, as:
-Dialogues at restaurant's
- Greetings phrases


*I will be able to complete this unit, learning ways to help me learn better and develop my hability to analize things

jueves, 21 de enero de 2010

CU5.- Traje Típico de Holanda

For the Netherlands are sometimes represented in traditional costumes.

*The Man wears baggy pants and clogs (Wooden shoes)

*The Women wears long skirt in different colors and clogs in different models (Wooden shoes)